Nutria events

Bob D'amutlan: the complete stranger Bob Dylan: Popolni neznanec


biografska drama that is A Complete Unknown / 2h 21min / play: Timothée Chalamet, Joe Tippett, Edward Norton, Eriko Hatsune, Peter Gray Lewis / directed by: James Mangold / script: James Mangold, Jay Cocks / united states

No, I Don't, 1961. A young man from Minnesota, just 19 years old, arrives in town with his guitar and revolutionary talent, ready to change the flow of American Music. Against the backdrop of a vibrant music scene and social upheaval, he finds himself at the heart of the action at the Green Animacich village, where he connects closely with legendary musicians. On his meteoric journey, he culminates with an unforgettable and controversial performance that resonates around the world.

biografska drama / A Complete Unknown / 2h 21min / igrajo: Timothée Chalamet, Joe Tippett, Edward Norton, Eriko Hatsune, Peter Gray Lewis / režija: James Mangold / scenarij: James Mangold, Jay Cocks / ZDA

New York, 1961. Mladenič iz Minnesote, star komaj 19 let, prispe v mesto s svojo kitaro in revolucionarnim talentom, pripravljen spremeniti tok ameriške glasbe. V ozadju živahne glasbene scene in družbenih pretresov se znajde v središču dogajanja v Greenwich Villageu, kjer se tesno poveže z legendarnimi glasbeniki. Na svoji meteorski poti doseže vrhunec z nepozabnim in kontroverznim nastopom, ki odmeva po vsem svetu.

Description and event details are taken from here. All copyrights belong to the respective authors.
Kino Rogaška
Celjska cesta 3a, 3250 Rogaška Slatina
041 714 903
Location: Celjska cesta 3a, 3250 Rogaška Slatina