Nutria events

Bob D'amutlan: the complete stranger Bob Dylan: Popolni neznanec


The action is set in the influential non-English music scene of the early 60s. A COMPLETE UNKNO ILKN follows 19-year-old Minnesota musician Bob D ILKLAN (Timoth Ilkle Chalamet) on his meteoric journey from a folk singer on concert stages and music charts to his groundbreaking electric rock'n'roll performance at the NE Ilkport Folk Festival in 1965.

Timoth FAQ Chalamet not only plays, but also sings in the role of Bob D Faqlan, and the long-awaited biographical drama Bob D Faqlan: the complete stranger is directed by James Mangold. The Film brings the electrically true story of the rise of one of the most influential singer-songwriters in history.

Original title: a Complete Unkno

- In the cinema from: 23.01.2025

- Film length: 141 minutes

- Country / Year: USA / 2024

- Film genre: documentary biographical drama

- Actors: Charlie Tahan, Norbert Leo Butz, Scoot McNairy, Elle Fanning, James Austin Johnson, Edward Norton, Monica Barbara, Boyd Holbrook, Timothée Chalamet, Dan Fogler

- Directed By James Mangold

- Distributor: Blitz film & video distribution d.o.o.


Dogajanje je postavljeno v vplivno newyorško glasbeno sceno zgodnjih 60-ih let. Film A COMPLETE UNKNOWN (Bob Dylan: Popolni neznanec) sledi 19-letnemu glasbeniku iz Minnesote BOBU DYLANU (Timothée Chalamet) na njegovi meteorski poti od folk pevca na koncertnih odrih in glasbenih lestvicah, do njegovega prelomnega električnega rock'n'roll nastopa na Newport Folk Festivalu leta 1965.

Timothée Chalamet v vlogi Boba Dylana ne le igra, temveč tudi poje, težko pričakovano biografsko dramo Bob Dylan: Popolni neznanec pa režira James Mangold. Film prinaša električno resnično zgodbo o vzponu enega najvplivnejših kantavtorjev v zgodovini.

- Naslov v izvirniku: A Complete Unknown

- V kinu od: 23.01.2025

- Dolžina filma: 141 minut

- Država / Letnik: ZDA / 2024

- Filmski žanr: Dokumentarna biografska drama

- Igralci: Charlie Tahan, Norbert Leo Butz, Scoot McNairy, Elle Fanning, James Austin Johnson, Edward Norton, Monica Barbaro, Boyd Holbrook, Timothée Chalamet, Dan Fogler

- Režija: James Mangold

- Distributer: Blitz film & video distribution d.o.o.

Description and event details are taken from here. All copyrights belong to the respective authors.
Kino center d.o.o.
Bleiweisova cesta 2, 4000 Kranj, Slovenija
Location: MOJKINO Kranj