Nutria events

BLAU PIN / GALA Hall / / 004 BLAU PIN x GALA HALA // 004


Blau Pin returns to the Gala Hall premises after three months, for its fourth edition! Join us on Friday, 28. in February, at the Blau Pin illustration Gala Hala / / 004 , from 23. to 6. in the morning.

What is a Blau Pin ? Blau Pin is a newly created series of events after hoof b2b2b2b2 or. NO TIMETABLE. It is a symbol-a blue pin indicating the location on the map, the space of merciless dance sessions. COME AND DANCE.

Blau Pin = no timetable

DJs play without a strict schedule, with back-to-back sets.

Music selection here!

Music policing / techno

Blau Pin se po treh mesecih, za svojo četrto edicijo, vrača v prostore Gala Hale! Pridružite se nam v petek, 28. februarja, na Blau Pin x Gala Hala // 004 , od 23. do 6. zjutraj.

Kaj je Blau Pin ? Blau Pin je novonastala serija dogodkov po kopitu b2b2b2b2b2 oz. NO TIMETABLE. Je simbol – modri žebljiček, ki označuje lokacijo na zemljevidu, prostor neusmiljenih plesnih seans. PRIDI IN ZAPLEŠI.

Blau Pin = no timetable

DJ-ji igrajo brez strogega urnika, z back-to-back seti.

Glasbeni izbor tu!

Music policy: techno

Vstopnina: predprodaja 5 €, 8€, 10€; na dan dogodka 12€ do polnoči, kasneje 15€

Additional links:
Description and event details are taken from here. All copyrights belong to the respective authors.
Društvo KAPA
Masarykova 24, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenija
+386 41 813 627
Location: Gala Hala, Ljubljana