Nutria events

Better Man Better Man


Better Man, 2024,

Directed By Michael Grace / /

Language: English

Played: Alison Steadman, Robbie Williams, Damon Herriman, Anthony Hayes, Steve Pemberton, Kate Mulvany, Jonno Davies, Raechelle Banno

biographical drama, 02h14min

Director Michael Gracey (the Greatest šovmen) brings the innovative character of the biographic page of the story of the life of a pop star Robbieja Williamsa is presented in a way that no one expected.

Trailer :

The Better a Man is accompanied by all of the key moments of the Williamsove's career, from his childhood up to the glory of turbulent relationships and the struggles of the zasvojenostmi, at the incredible visual effects, and emotional scenes. Better Man is an extremely honest and intimate story in which the Modilliams reveal their innermost demons. The Film brings an all-in Robbie Williams excels – the perfect party, an incredible stage presence, and a touching story that stays with you long after the 'special thanks' špica.

Pre-sale of tickets: Alga Gallery.

Better Man, 2024,

Režija: Michael Gracey

Jezik: angleščina

Igrajo: Alison Steadman, Robbie Williams, Damon Herriman, Anthony Hayes, Steve Pemberton, Kate Mulvany, Jonno Davies, Raechelle Banno

biografska drama, 02h14min

Režiser Michael Gracey (Največji šovmen) prinaša inovativno biografsko zgodbo o življenju pop zvezdnika Robbieja Williamsa predstavljeno na način ki ga nihče ne pričakuje.

Napovednik :

Better Man spremlja vse ključne trenutke Williamsove kariere, od otroštva do slave, turbulentnih odnosov in bojev z zasvojenostmi, ob neverjetnih vizualnih učinkih in čustvenih prizorih. Better Man je izjemno iskrena in intimna zgodba, v kateri Williams razkriva svoje najglobje demone. Film prinaša vse, v čemer Robbie Williams blesti – odlično zabavo, neverjetno odrsko prisotnost in ganljivo zgodbo, ki ostane z vami dolgo po odjavni špici.

Predprodaja vstopnic : Galerija Alga.

Description and event details are taken from here. All copyrights belong to the respective authors.
Center za kulturo, šport in prireditve Izola
Kraška 1, 6310 Izola
051 396 283
Location: Kraška 1, 6310 Izola