Nutria events

We read with paws Beremo s tačkami


We invite children who would like to experience the fantasy world of fairy tales together with the puppy to join us and read the fairy tale aloud to the puppy yourself.

Suitable for children from 6. to 15. years of age.

The workshop is run by volunteers from the Paw Helpers Association .

Mandatory registration at the library, on 01 308 57 01 or .

Vabimo otroke, ki bi želeli skupaj s kužkom doživeti domišljijski svet pravljic, da se nam pridružite in kužku sami glasno preberete pravljico.

Primerno za otroke od 6. do 15. leta starosti.

Delavnico vodijo prostovoljke iz društva Tačke pomagačke .

Obvezne prijave v knjižnici, na 01 308 57 01 ali .

Additional links:
Description and event details are taken from here. All copyrights belong to the respective authors.
Location: Knjižnica Prežihov Voranc, Ljubljana