Nutria events

Barri-vocal instrumental acoustic ensemble (SLO) Barrique - vokalno instrumentalna akustična zasedba (SLO)


Barri is a vocal-instrumental acoustic ensemble (SLO) that performs an interwoven repertoire of cult music of the Balkans, Latin America, Gips, film and traditional ethno music.

When a character Alto sounds in different languages next to a 5-string violin in the company of guitars, percussion and harmonica, the Barri Animalue sounds. Some other time. Retro and modern.

Barrique je vokalno - instrumentalna akustična zasedba (SLO), ki izvaja prepletajoč repertoar kultne glasbe Balkana, latinske Amerike, gipsy, filmske in tradicionalne etno glasbe.

Ko v različnih jezikih zazveni karakterni alt ob 5-strunski violini v družbi kitar, tolkal in harmonike, se prigodi Barrique. Neki drugi časi. Retro in moderno.

Description and event details are taken from here. All copyrights belong to the respective authors.
Location: Grajski trg 16, 2327 Rače