The Barka community also opens its doors wide this year and the village on Sunday, 1. in December 2024, invites to Barkin St. Nicholas Fair.
Barka St. Nicholas Fair is organized in order to present a range of unique products that have been created in the Barka conservation work center throughout the year by Barkaches, with the support of work instructors. Since december is a time of gifts, the purpose of the Fair is also to help Saint Nicholas and other good December men to fill their basket with beautiful gifts.
We will provide a real fair atmosphere by serving hot teas and sweet treats . We will also bake delicious pancakes for visitors during the fair ! We will diversify the festive events with a lottery ticket , each lottery ticket of which will be won.
Cordially invited!
Skupnost Barka tudi letos na široko odpira svoja vrata in vas v nedeljo, 1. decembra 2024, vabi na Barkin Miklavžev sejem.
Barkin Miklavžev sejem organiziramo, da bi predstavili paleto unikatnih izdelkov, ki so v Varstveno delovnem centru Barka, skozi leto nastali izpod rok Barkačev, ob podpori delovnih inštruktorjev. Ker je december čas obdarovanj, je namen sejma tudi, da svetemu Miklavžu in ostalim dobrim decembrskim možem pomagamo, da lažje napolnijo svoj koš z lepimi darili.
Za pravo sejemsko vzdušje bomo poskrbeli s postrežbo toplih čajev in sladkih dobrot . Obiskovalcem bomo v času sejma pekli tudi okusne palačinke ! Praznično dogajanje bomo popestrili s srečelovom , katerega vsaka srečka bo dobitna.
Prisrčno vabljeni!