Nutria events

Balladero and specialists Balladero in Specialisti


For over a decade now, Balladero, a piano singer-songwriter on the Slovenian music scene, has been synonymous with a creator who knows how to surprise. A seasoned creator and genre chameleon, he is distinguished by exceptional lyrics and a clearly crafted author's style, which offers the listener an authentic, authentic musical experience that is unique in our country. With piercing vocals and piano bravura, spicy tracks range from percussive rock riffs to elaborate indie pop, with frequent stations of ballad-heartfelt intimacy. 

With the album Neon Srce, released in 2023, the prolific Prekmurec as an author and performer has already signed three author's long-track records and more than thirty tracks, and at the same time continues the reading of radio singles. Since the announcement of the third album, they have been diligently filling the radio charts and are a constant on the air (Golden times, ours, I travel, warm, apricots, believe and other tracks).


Dominik Bagola-Balladero * piano, keyboards, vocals

Peter Dekleva * guitar

Amadej Herzog • harmonik 

Goran Sarjas * bass guitar 

Pavel Chebashek * drums

Že dobro desetletje je Balladero, klavirski kantavtor na slovenski glasbeni sceni, sinonim za ustvarjalca, ki zna presenetiti. Prekaljenega ustvarjalca in žanrskega kameleona, odlikujejo izjemna besedila in jasno izdelan avtorski stil, ki poslušalcu ponuja avtentično, pristno glasbeno izkušnjo, ki je svojevrsten unikum pri nas. S prodornim vokalom in klavirskimi bravurami začinjene skladbe se gibljejo od udarnih rockovskih rifov do izdelanega indie popa, s pogostimi postajami baladno-srčne intime. 

Z albumom Neon Srce, izdanem leta 2023, se je plodoviti Prekmurec kot avtor in izvajalec podpisal pod že tri avtorske dolgometražne plošče in več kot trideset skladb, obenem pa nadaljuje bero radijskih singlov. Ti že od napovedi tretjega albuma pridno polnijo radijske lestvice in so stalnica v etru (Zlati časi, Najina, Potujem, Toplo, Marelice, Verjet in druge skladbe).


Dominik Bagola - Balladero • klavir, klaviature, vokal

Peter Dekleva • kitara

Amadej Herzog • harmonik 

Goran Sarjaš • bas kitara 

Pavel Čebašek • bobni  

Description and event details are taken from here. All copyrights belong to the respective authors.
Minoriti, kulturna četrt
Vojašniški trg 2A, 2000 Maribor
08 200 5484
Location: Sodni stolp, Maribor