Nutria events



The BAD CATS are an R'n'r band consisting of Ivan Bekchic, Sergei Jereb and Grega Samar. The members of the band are old cats of the Slovenian music scene. They are former and current members of the bands Falcons, Pero Lovshin, Hot Dog, Mad Dog, Adi Smolar, flying tramps, good bitch, Samar, etc.

They joined forces to play the songs of their youth. Their ecstatic versions of R'n'r evergrins from performers Gene Vincent, CCR, The Rolling Stones, JJ Cale, Clapton, Doors, Hendri gams all the way to the more recent Stra acid Cats. They certainly won't leave you cold.

BAD CATS so R‘N‘R skupina, ki jo sestavljajo Ivan Bekčič, Sergej Jereb in Grega Samar. Člani zasedbe so stari mački slovenske glasbene scene. So nekdanji in sedanji člani zasedb Sokoli, Pero Lovšin, Hot Dog, Mad Dog, Adi Smolar, Leteči potepuhi, Dobra mrha, Samar itd.

Združili so moči za preigravanje pesmi svoje mladosti. Njihove ekstatične verzije R‘N‘R evergrinov od izvajalcev Gene Vincent, CCR, Rolling Stones, JJ Cale, Clapton, Doors, Hendrix pa vse do novejših Stray Cats. Sigurno vas ne bodo pustile hladne.

Description and event details are taken from here. All copyrights belong to the respective authors.
Location: Nostalgija vintage cafe