Cars-We Travel
You are invited to the now traditional concert of cars in Orto. You will hear the greatest hits from a trip that has been going on for 42 years. Fasten your seat belts, we're driving! The most recent double album we travel was released on double vinyl and single cede 11. in December 2024.
Novogorisk cars belong to the category of bands that have deeply marked the Slovenian music scene and can already be defined as legends. The band is considered one of the most prolific, original and recognizable rock bands in Slovenia. On a rich, more than four decades long musical journey, they have strung 12 studio albums, from which even today surprisingly fresh and timeless sounds a hefty bite of great hits such as Argentina, she wears uniform, over the years, in cold halls, the way home, thanks for the letters, love does not reside here, Equinox, alone, master, listen, far, footprints in the snow, to name a few. Cars are not just music, they are thinking and a way of life, joy and crying, past and future. Their non-trendy directness is gaining popularity again and again even among younger listeners, which suggests that the story of cars will not be over for a good time.
"Driving cars is always something special. Like a trip in a comfortable car with a glass of Dom Perignon in hand, where there is no braking, no overtaking, blackmail, reckless moves. It is the pure pleasure of driving according to the regulations, the regulations written by the richness of their sound and the depth of the lyrics in their songs."- Helena Vertacnik
The novogorisk Group Avtomobili had one of its first performances in 1983 at Novi rock in Ljubljana. In 1984, the boys won the Youth Festival in Subotica, which was also an excellent starting point for a series of concerts around Yugoslavia, which gave them a successful presence on the then music scene for several years. In the same year, their first record was released Mjesec is opet pun. The very next year, the record Dugo warm ljeto was released, which further consolidated the band's reputation as one of the most original and fresh at that time. The last disc, also recorded in Serbo-Croatian language and on vinyl (the cassette is recorded in Slovenian!), was published in 1988 under the title Krenimo.
After a few years of discography break, the record Mraz (1992) is released, followed over the years (1994). In 1994 and 1996, the cars received the Golden Rooster award as the best Slovenian rock band. This is followed by the albums other world (1995-compilation), ordinary day (1997), Greatest Hits (1998-compilation), Equinox (2000), cities of train stations (2006) and Club of clubs, which was released in collaboration with Val 202 as a recording of a public radio show (that is, live with the audience in the studio) and represents a kind of chronological walk through the band's discography so far. The album late spring (2012) is the first in a rejuvenated lineup. Guitarist Bostjan Andrejc-Bush has been with the band since 2007, but this is the first studio album they play with newly joined drummer David Morgan. The thirtieth anniversary of the group is also celebrated in October 2012 with a concert in Cankarjev Dom.
They start 2016 with an acoustic concert in the Ljubljana drama, and in the autumn they release the album Far Away (for the first time since 1988 also on vinyl), where singer Severa Gjurin guest stars as a duet with Mark in the title track. In October 2018, due to great interest, they repeat the concert in the drama.
The latest studio album Shine (2022) is a bit more modern arranged, musically more challenging, but still the band retains its unique style, while also showing what the sound and musical potential of cars are today.
Marko Vuksanovich-vocals
Mirko Vuksanovich-keyboards, vocals
Andrejc Bush-guitar, vocals
David Morgan-drums
Uros Trebizan-bass guitar
Organizer: Alivea
Avtomobili – Potujemo
Vabljeni na zdaj že tradicionalni koncert Avtomobilov v Ortu. Slišali boste največje uspešnice s potovanja, ki traja že 42 let. Pripnite si pasove, se peljemo! Najnovejši dvojni album Potujemo je izšel na dvojnem vinilu in enojnem cedeju 11. decembra 2024.
Novogoriški Avtomobili sodijo v kategorijo zasedb, ki so globoko zaznamovale slovensko glasbeno sceno in jih lahko že opredelimo kot legende. Skupina velja za eno najbolj plodnih, izvirnih in prepoznavnih rock zasedb na Slovenskem. Na bogati, več kot štiri desetletja dolgi glasbeni poti, so nanizali 12 studijskih albumov, s katerih še danes presenetljivo sveže in brezčasno zveni zajeten zalogaj velikih uspešnic, kot so Argentina, Ona nosi uniformu, Skozi leta, V mrzlih dvoranah, Pot domov, Hvala za pisma, Ljubezen ne stanuje tu, Enakonočje, Sama, Gospodar, Poslušaj, Daleč, Stopinje v snegu, če naštejemo le nekatere. Avtomobili niso le glasba, so razmišljanje in način življenja, veselje in jok, preteklost in prihodnost. Njihova netrendovska neposrednost vedno znova pridobiva na popularnosti tudi mlajših poslušalcev, kar kaže na to, da zgodbe o Avtomobilih še lep čas ne bo konec.
“Vožnja z Avtomobili je vedno nekaj posebnega. Kot izlet z udobnim avtomobilom s kozarcem Dom perignona v roki, kjer ni zaviranja, ni prehitevanja, izsiljevanja, nepremišljenih potez. Je čisti užitek vožnje po predpisih, predpisih, ki jih napišeta bogatost njihovega zvoka in globina besedil v njihovih pesmih.” – Helena Vertačnik
Novogoriška skupina Avtomobili je enega prvih nastopov imela leta 1983 na Novem rocku v Ljubljani. Leta 1984 so fantje zmagali na mladinskem festivalu v Subotici, kar je bilo tudi izvrstno izhodišče za vrsto koncertov po Jugoslaviji, ki so jim omogočili nekajletno uspešno prisotnost na takratnem glasbenem prizorišču. Istega leta je izšla tudi njihova prva plošča Mjesec je opet pun. Že naslednje leto je izšla plošča Dugo toplo ljeto, ki je še dodatno utrdila sloves skupine kot ene najbolj izvirnih in svežih v tistem času. Zadnja plošča, posneta tudi v srbohrvaškem jeziku in na vinilu (kaseta je posneta v slovenščini!), je izšla leta 1988 pod naslovom Krenimo.
Po nekajletnem diskografskem premoru izide plošča Mraz (1992), ki ji sledijo Skozi leta (1994). V letih 1994 in 1996 so Avtomobili prejeli nagrado Zlati petelin kot najboljša slovenska rockovska skupina. Sledijo albumi Drugi svet (1995-kompilacija), Navaden dan (1997), Največji zadetki (1998-kompilacija), Enakonočje (2000), Mesta železniških postaj (2006) ter Klub klubov, ki je izšel v sodelovanju z Valom 202 kot posnetek javne radijske oddaje (torej v živo z publiko v studiu) in predstavlja nekakšen kronološki sprehod skozi dotedanjo diskografijo skupine. Album Pozna pomlad (2012) je prvi v pomlajeni zasedbi. Kitarist Boštjan Andrejc-Bushy je v skupini sicer že od leta 2007, vseeno pa je to prvi studijski album na katerem igrata z na novo pridruženim bobnarjem Davidom Morganom. Trideseto obletnico skupine oktobra 2012 obeležijo tudi s koncertom v Cankarjevem domu.
Leto 2016 začnejo z akustičnim koncertom v ljubljanski Drami, jeseni pa izdajo album Daleč (prvič po letu 1988 tudi na vinilu) kjer v naslovni skladbi v duetu z Markom gostuje pevka Severa Gjurin. Oktobra 2018 zaradi velikega zanimanja ponovijo koncert v Drami.
Zadnji studijski album Sijaj (2022) je nekoliko modernejše aranžiran, glasbeno bolj zahteven, vseeno pa skupina obdrži svoj edinstveni slog, obenem pa tudi kaže kakšen je današnji zvok in glasbeni potencial Avtomobilov.
Marko Vuksanovič – vokal
Mirko Vuksanovič – klaviature, vokal
Boštjan Andrejc Bushy – kitara, vokal
David Morgan – bobni
Uroš Trebižan – bas kitara
Organizator: Alivea