Natasha Zupancic,
AVIRATEK is a Dolenjska run with overcoming various obstacles in the area of Stvid near Stikna and nearby villages, on which the competitor can test his endurance and physical strength. On the surrounding field and forest paths it is necessary to run a good 8 km long track, where participants are met by various obstacles made of natural materials such as bales of straw, wooden pyramid, logs, high-grown corn and the like.
Every year, the PGD at the contact and AVIRATEKACI donate part of the entry fee to charity.
Registration fee:
20 EUR per participant,
for registration and payment up to and including 20. 2. 2025.
25 EUR per participant,
for registration and payment up to and including 15. 6. 2025.
30 EUR per participant,
for registration and payment up to and including 19. 9. 2025.
35 EUR per participant,
for registration and payment on the day of the event 20. 9. 2025.
Prices include VAT.
Mandatory registration via the website:
We organize a MINI AVIRATEK for children . They run at 300 m, 600 m and 3 km.
Mandatory registration through the website:
Nataša Zupančič,
AVIRATEK je dolenjski tek s premagovanjem najrazličnejših ovir na območju Šentvida pri Stični in bližnjih vasi, na katerem lahko tekmovalec preizkusi svojo vzdržljivost in telesno moč. Po okoliških poljskih in gozdnih poteh je potrebno preteči dobrih 8 km dolgo progo, kjer udeležence pričakajo najrazličnejše ovire iz naravnih materialov kot so bale slame, lesena piramida, hlodi, visokorasla koruza in podobno.
PGD Šentvid pri Stični in AVIRATEKAČI vsako leto del startnine namenijo dobrodelnosti.
20 EUR na udeleženca,
za prijavo in plačilo do vključno 20. 2. 2025.
25 EUR na udeleženca,
za prijavo in plačilo do vključno 15. 6. 2025.
30 EUR na udeleženca,
za prijavo in plačilo do vključno 19. 9. 2025.
35 EUR na udeleženca,
za prijavo in plačilo na dan dogodka 20. 9. 2025.
Cene vsebujejo DDV.
Obvezna prijava preko spletne strani:
Za otroke organiziramo MINI AVIRATEK . Tečejo na 300 m, 600 m in 3 km.
Obvezne prijave preko spletne strani: