Nutria events

Ancient reading evening Antični bralni večer

social culture

At the reading evening, we will delve into a selected letter from the Stoic philosopher Seneca, in which he encourages us to rethink the virtuous life. By carefully reading aloud, we will collect our thoughts and then in the conversation we will think about what the writer is telling us, which question he answers and which exercise he is referring us to. No prior knowledge is required. Welcome

Na bralnem večeru se bomo poglobili v izbrano pismo stoiškega filozofa Seneke, v katerem nas spodbuja k premisleku o vrlinskem življenju. S pozornim glasnim branjem bomo zbirali misli ter nato v pogovoru razmišljali, kaj nam pisec sporoča, na katero vprašanje odgovarja in na katero vajo nas napotuje. Predhodno znanje ni potrebno. Vabljeni

Description and event details are taken from here. All copyrights belong to the respective authors.
Knjižnica Franceta Balantiča Kamnik
Ljubljanska cesta 1, 1241 Kamnik
Location: Knjižnica Franceta Balantiča Kamnik, Ljubljanska cesta 1, Kamnik