On our stage Ansembel Banovsek together with the legend Branet Klavzar!
The Banovsek ensemble has been operating since 2013, when the musicians joined together at the initiative of the head of the ensemble, Matej Banovsek and his sister Vanesa Brglez. The Styrian Carinthian composition of Slovenian horses is intertwined with kinship, marriage and friendship ties. In 2015, the ensemble recorded their first video for their first self-titled composition under Konjiska Gora, which is authored by Matej Banovsek and his mother Danica Banovsek. In the same year, they recorded a spot for the song crumb of bread, for which Matej and Danica Banovsek are also authors. In 2016, they revived the song Lift the Gold Cup, by Mira Klinca. This time, as part of its 10th anniversary, the ensemble will perform on stage together with Branet Klavzar.
Cast: Matej Banovsek, Vanesa Brglez, Rok Zbikhniknik, Andrej Susec, Matej Turinek, Barbara Leber Turinek
Kindly invited!
Information and ticket reservations: TIC Lasko, 03 733 89 50, tic@stik-lasko.si, 03 733 89 35.
Duration: 1 hour and 30 minutes
Na našem odru Ansembel Banovšek skupaj z legendo Branetom Klavžarjem!
Ansambel Banovšek deluje že od leta 2013, ko so se glasbeniki združili na pobudo vodje ansambla, Mateja Banovška in njegove sestre Vanese Brglez. Štajersko koroški sestav iz Slovenskih Konjic prepletajo sorodstvene, zakonske in prijateljske vezi. Ansambel je leta 2015 posnel svoj prvi videospot za prav tako njihovo prvo lastno skladbo z naslovom Pod Konjiško goro, katere avtorja sta Matej Banovšek in njegova mama Danica Banovšek. Istega leta so posneli še spot za skladbo Drobtinica kruha, za katero sta avtorja prav tako Matej in Danica Banovšek. V letu 2016 pa so ponovno obudili skladbo Dvigni zlato kupico, avtorja Mira Klinca. Tokrat bo ansambel v sklopu svoje 10 obletnice delovanja na odru nastopil skupaj z Branetom Klavžarjem.
Zasedba: Matej Banovšek, Vanesa Brglez, Rok Zbičajnik, Andrej Sušec, Matej Turinek, Barbara Leber Turinek
Vljudno vabljeni!
Informacije in rezervacije vstopnic: TIC Laško, 03 733 89 50, tic@stik-lasko.si, 03 733 89 35.
Trajanje: 1 ura in 30 minut