Angelo dans la for clockt m clockst clockrieuse, 2024, France, Luxembourg
Directed By: Vincent Paronnaud, Ale Modulis Ducord
Language: dubbed into Slovenian
animated adventure, 01h20min
More than anything in the world, Angelo wants to become an explorer and adventurer. Soon his dream comes true, and he embarks on an exciting adventure in a magical forest.
Trailer :
Ten-year-old Angelo lives a very ordinary life. He has a vivid imagination and imagines that he will become an explorer. One day, the family learns that the grandmother has become seriously ill, so they rush to her. On the way, they stop and Angelo sets off to explore the surroundings. Distracted parents forget him there, and little Angelo knows neither where nor where. He goes to the forest, where he experiences many things that he could not even imagine in his imagination. He meets an ant who uses him as a means of transport, a squirrel who is convinced that he is a bird, a giant who Angelo delights with the last candy, and many other fantastic creatures that spice up his journey.
Pre-sale of tickets: Alga Gallery.
"The silly fantastic creatures Angelo encounters in this wacky forest compete with the many characters that populate classic stories like Alice In Wonderland or The Wizard of Oz. A pessimistic frog with a talent for music, a squirrel who wants to be a bird, a cloud trying to control its tendency to get angry, a giant who works as a real estate agent, and bloodthirsty ants – these are just some of the many wacky friends the film introduces, but does not develop them into more full-blooded characters. Among them is Gu, a giant pile made of Earth and plants that communicates by grunting and resembles Marvel's Groot. And Gu is the most important for Angel's journey; he is also extremely technically perfect due to his texture and ability to change shape like an amorphous mass.«
- Carlos Aguilar, Variety / / / / / / / / / / /
Angelo dans la forêt mystérieuse, 2024, Francija, Luksemburg
Režija: Vincent Paronnaud, Alexis Ducord
Jezik: Sinhronizirano v slovenščino
animirana pustolovščina, 01h20min
Angelo si bolj kot vse na svetu želi postati raziskovalec in pustolovec. Kmalu se mu sanje uresničijo in poda se na razburljivo dogodivščino v čarobni gozd.
Napovednik :
Desetletni Angelo živi čisto običajno življenje. Ima bujno domišljijo in si predstavlja, da bo postal raziskovalec. Nekega dne družina izve, da je babica hudo zbolela, zato pohitijo k njej. Na poti se ustavijo in Angelo se odpravi raziskovat okolico. Raztreseni starši ga tam pozabijo, mali Angelo pa ne ve ne kod, ne kam. Odpravi se v gozd, kjer doživi marsikaj, česar si niti v domišljiji ni mogel predstavljati. Sreča mravlje, ki ga uporabijo za prevozno sredstvo, veverico, ki je prepričana, da je ptič, velikana, ki ga Angelo razveseli z zadnjim bombonom, ter številna druga fantastična bitja, ki popestrijo njegovo popotovanje.
Predprodaja vstopnic : Galerija Alga.
»Trapasta fantastična bitja, ki jih Angelo sreča v tem čudaškem gozdu, konkurirajo številnim likom, ki naseljujejo klasične zgodbe, kot so Alica v čudežni deželi ali Čarovnik iz Oza. Pesimistična žaba, ki je nadarjena za glasbo, veverica, ki bi rada bila ptič, oblak, ki skuša obvladati svojo nagnjenost k jeznim izpadom, velikan, ki dela kot nepremičninski agent, in krvoločne mravlje – to so le nekateri izmed številnih čudaških prijateljev, ki jih film predstavi, ne razvije pa jih v bolj polnokrvne like. Med njimi je tudi Gu, velikanski kup, narejen iz zemlje in rastlin, ki komunicira z godrnjanjem in je podoben Marvelovemu Grootu. In Gu je za Angelovo potovanje najpomembnejši; je tudi izjemno tehnično dovršen zaradi svoje teksture in sposobnosti, da kot amorfna gmota spreminja obliko.«
– Carlos Aguilar, Variety