Nutria events

Ana bright: glass walls Ana Svetel: Steklene stene

culture lecture

You are invited to meet us on Wednesday, 22. in January 2025, at 18. join uri on the Ljubljana ground floor for the presentation of the new prose collection glass walls from the pen of the writer Ana Svetla . The event will be linked by Ajda Bracic.

The glass wall collection combines five motivically and thematically diverse short stories. What they have in common is the characteristic smell of our time, which is conveyed by the author's well-read, reliable and polished writing. What does that smell like? Perhaps after a hectic time in which human relations are subject to Frost? Or after a hard glass that does not give out a drop of smell from itself? After embryos the size of fruits? After the victims and perpetrators in the ranks of professors and students? After unreleased communication, which is stuck due to social differences, prejudices and intolerant persecution of these? After the mild light beyond the translucent walls? And also after real estate agents and eternal moves. And maybe after an irrevocable adulthood, in which old college friends meet again after many years, but they can no longer really remember a bygone era, so nostalgia slips between their fingers ... the most beautiful, however, is probably Elsa, a snappy story about an online influencer, a mother of two, who is becoming a clear commentary of our time with her posts on Instagram. Who or what will she follow? What smell do you smell?

Tickets: the event is free

Event at FB

Vabljeni, da se nam v sredo, 22. januarja 2025, ob 18. uri pridružite v ljubljanskem Pritličju na predstavitvi nove prozne zbirke Steklene stene izpod peresa pisateljice Ane Svetel . Dogodek bo povezovala Ajda Bračič.

Zbirka Steklene stene združuje pet motivno in tematsko raznolikih kratkih zgodb. To, kar jim je skupno, je značilni vonj našega časa, ki ga upoveduje avtoričina ubrana, zanesljiva in izbrušena pisava. Po čem vonja ta vonj? Nemara po hektičnem času, v katerem so medčloveški odnosi podvrženi zmrzali? Ali po trdem steklu, ki ne da od sebe niti kapljice vonja? Po zarodkih v velikosti sadežev? Po žrtvah in storilcih v vrstah profesorjev in študentk? Po nesproščeni komunikaciji, ki se zatika zaradi družbenih razlik, predsodkov in nestrpnega preganjanja teh? Po blagi svetlobi onstran prosojnih sten? Pa tudi po nepremičninskih agentkah in večnih selitvah. In morda po nepreklicni odraslosti, v kateri se po dolgih letih spet srečajo stari prijatelji s faksa, a se ne morejo več zares spomniti minulega obdobja, zato jim nostalgija spolzi med prsti … Najbolj cajtgajstna pa je bržkone Elza, hlastno izpisana zgodba o spletni vplivnici, mami dveh otrok, ki s svojimi objavami na Instagramu postaja izčiščen komentar našega časa. Komu ali čemu bo sledila ona? Kakšen vonj pa zaznavate vi?

Vstopnice: Dogodek je brezplačen

Dogodek na FB

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Description and event details are taken from here. All copyrights belong to the respective authors.
Location: Pritličje