World choral singing day. An ideal occasion to celebrate and with Vocal Music.
You are cordially invited to the concert of the Vocal Group Gallina under the artistic direction of Ana Erculj. In the first part of the concert we will hear all sorts of vocal compositions written or arranged by Aldo Kumar, and in the second part he will join them with an accordion. During the concert itself, there will also be a talk evening with the composer, who is celebrating 70 this year. flight.
When? Sunday, 8. december 2024
Where? Hall of Cultural Centre Bistrica ob Sotli
Entrance fee: recommended voluntary contribution (10 hours)
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Svetovni dan zborovskega petja. Idealna priložnost za praznovanje in z vokalno glasbo.
Vljudno vabljeni na koncert Vokalne skupina Gallina pod umetniškim vodstvom Ane Erčulj. V prvem delu koncerta bomo slišali najrazličnejše vokalne skladbe, ki jih je napisal ali priredil Aldo Kumar, v drugem delu pa se jim bo pridružil s harmoniko. Med samim koncertom bo potekal tudi pogovorni večer s skladateljem, ki letos praznuje 70. let.
Kdaj? Nedelja, 8. december 2024
Kje? Dvorana Kulturnega doma Bistrica ob Sotli
Vstopnina: priporočen prostovoljni prispevek (10€)
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