The Youth Center,, +386 (0)3 710 22 30.
Acroyoga for beginner!
Acroyoga is much more than gymnastics, covering gymnastics, yoga, dance and Thai massage. In a playful and fun, very spontaneous way, the muscles are strengthened.
Practicing acroyoga is for everyone who is looking for new challenges and good company. Complete beginners are also invited to the course (you will be surprised what you can do) and those who already have experience with Acroyoga.
On schedule every Monday at 18. uri.
Performed By: Nika Bitter
The event is free and can be photographed.
Mladinski center Žalec,, +386 (0)3 710 22 30.
Akrojoga za začetnik!
Akrojoga je veliko več kot telovadba, saj zajema gimnastiko, jogo, ples in tajsko masažo. Na igriv in zabaven, zelo spontan način se krepijo mišice.
Vadba akrojoge je namenjena vsem, ki iščete nove izzive in dobro družbo. Na tečaj vabljeni tudi popolni začetniki (presenečeni boste, kaj zmorete) in tisti, ki že imate izkušnje z akrojogo.
Na urniku vsak ponedeljek ob 18. uri.
Izvajalka: Nika Bitter
Dogodek je brezplačen in se lahko fotografira.