David Mrvar, tdsticna@t.2.si, 070 799799.
Classic advent fair in the auspices of the Stika monastery. Participating providers and their products are presented at www.facebook.com/turisticnodrustvosticna.
The purpose of the Fair is primarily to promote local care for purchases of gifts, holiday decorations, greeting cards and, of course, food.
The catering team will serve stewed sauerkraut with sirloin, mulled wine, tea and coffee.
During the fair, it will also be possible to visit the Nativity exhibition for free and visit the Museum of Christianity in Slovenia.
Welcome to contact.
David Mrvar, tdsticna@t.2.si, 070 799799.
Klasični adventni sejem v okrilju stiškega samostana. Sodelujoči ponudniki in njihovi izdelki so predstavljeni na www.facebook.com/turisticnodrustvosticna.
Namen sejma je predvsem promocija lokalne oskrbe za nakupe daril, prazničnih okraskov, voščilnic in seveda hrane.
Gostinska ekipa bo postregla zabeljeno kislo zelje s pečenico, kuhano vino, čaj in kavo.
V času sejma bo možen tudi brezplačen ogled razstave jaslic ter obisk Muzeja krščanstva na slovenskem.
Dobrodošli v Stični.