Nutria events

Advent concert of Lendava music school students Adventni koncert učencev Glasbene šole Lendava


You are cordially invited to the advent concerts of Lendava music school students, who will:

on Tuesday, 3. in December 2024, at 18. hours at the synagogue Lendava and

on Monday, 9. in December 2024, at 18. hours at the Black Culture Center.

Admission is free. Well invited!

Vljudno vabljeni na adventna koncerta učencev Glasbene šole Lendava , ki bosta:

v torek, 3. decembra 2024, ob 18. uri v Sinagogi Lendava in

v ponedeljek, 9. decembra 2024, ob 18. uri v Kulturnem domu Črenšovci.

Vstop je prost. Lepo vabljeni!

Description and event details are taken from here. All copyrights belong to the respective authors.
Location: Sinagoga Lendava, Kulturni dom Črenšovci, 9220 Lendava/Lendva