Each lamp from the collection of academic painter Bogdan Chobal has its own story, its own memory and its own history. And every beam of light that she once emitted tells about the fact that there should be no place for Twilight.
Genocide in Gaza. War in Ukraine. Conflicts in Africa that we hardly perceive anymore. Refugees. Attacks on minorities. Trump's gun rattling. What year did we enter? What would the lamp that lit the face of a soldier in a muddy and bloody trench tell us? What did the farewell light mean? What did the road lamp on the Maribor Bridge see? How did we light our paths? And what does light mean to us in everyday life?
The Light exhibition will try to answer all these questions and wishes for more light, for the lights of peace. With the exhibition, we try not only to present various lamps that were used by our ancestors in the past, but to bring as much bright, good, beautiful as possible to our little space, to your home, to our city and our world, and most importantly - peace.
Because light is always represents freedom, coexistence and peace. Therefore, as the poet Sadko Kosovel wrote, Be a lamp if it is not possible for you to be human; because it is difficult to be human.
A man has only two hands, and he should help thousands.
Vsaka svetilka iz zbirke akademskega slikarja Bogdana Čobala ima svojo zgodbo, svoj spomin in svojo zgodovino. In vsak snop svetlobe, ki ga je enkrat oddala, pripoveduje o tem, da ne sme biti prostora za mrak.
Genocid v Gazi. Vojna v Ukrajini. Konflikti v Afriki, ki jih skoraj ne zaznamo več. Begunci. Napadi na manjšine. Trumpovo rožljanje z orožjem. V kakšno leto smo vstopili? Kaj bi nam povedala svetilka, ki je ožarila obraz vojaku v blatnem in krvavem jarku? Kaj je pomenila luč ob slovesu? Kaj je videla cestna svetilka na mariborskem mostu? Kako smo si osvetljevali poti? In kaj nam pomeni svetloba v vsakdanjem življenju?
Na vsa ta vprašanja in željah po več svetlobe, po lučeh miru, nam bo poskušala odgovoriti razstava Svetloba. Z razstavo poskušamo ne le predstaviti različne svetilke, ki so jih v preteklosti uporabljali naši predniki, temveč v naš mali prostor, v vaš dom, v naše mesto in naš svet pripeljati čim več svetlega, dobrega, lepega, predvsem pa - mir.
Ker svetloba je vedno predstavlja svobodo, sožitje in mir. Zato, kot je zapisal pesnik Srečko Kosovel, bodi svetilka, če ni ti mogoče biti človek; ker težko je biti človek.
Človek ima samo dve roki, pomagati pa bi moral tisočerim.