Nutria events

7. Proteus Cup International minor football tournament 7. mednarodni malonogometni turnir za pokal Proteus


7. international little - football tournament for the Proteus Cup.

The location of the event is the gym of the STC Postojna cesta in Staro vas 2.

In two weekends, 80 teams from Slovenia and neighboring countries (Croatia and Italy) will perform, in the selections: U7, U9, U11, U13 and U15.

Food and drinks are provided for tournament participants. All our colleagues are invited to visit the event. Football Club Proteus Postojna, asks the interested public to leave their cars in peripheral parking lots: in front of Primorka and next to the Health Center.

7. mednarodni malo-nogometni turnir za pokal Proteus.

Lokacija poteka dogodka je telovadnica ŠC Postojna cesta v Staro vas 2.

V dveh vikendih bo nastopilo 80 ekip iz Slovenije in sosednji držav (Hrvašake in Italije), v selekcijah: U7, U9, U11, U13 in U15.

Za udeležence turnirja je zagotovljena hrana in pijača. Vsi naši sokrajani vabljeni na ogled dogodka. Nogometni klub Proteus Postojna, prosi zainteresirano javnost, naj svoje avtomobile pustijo na obrobnih parkiriščih: pred Primorko in ob Zdravstvenem domu.

Additional links:
Description and event details are taken from here. All copyrights belong to the respective authors.
Nogometni klub Proteus Postojna
Ivan Vorotnjak
040 297 692
Mobile Phone:
040 544 242
Location: Ceta v staro vas 2, 6230 Postojna