We are very pleased to invite you to an important sporting event, which will take place on Saturday 08.02. 2025 in the Sports Hall in Ruse, starting at 10.00 and ending at approx. 18.00 hours.
The club is 48 this year. Traditional International S. K. I. F. Karate - do tournament for the Ruza Cup 2025. The tournament is one of the oldest classical karate tournaments in Slovenia, Europe and in the umbrella National Association ZKOS. Again this year, we expect many top competitors, medal holders from the EP and SP from clubs of Slovenia and abroad to take part in the tournament. We expect competitors in all age categories from the clubs of the S. K. I. F. Association of Slovenia, the Association of the umbrella National Industry Association of ZKOS and from the countries of S. K. I. F. Romania , Serbia, Czech Republic, Hungary ,Austria and other countries of Europe.
Program on Saturday, 08.02.2025 at 10.00 hours official opening, from 10.30 to 14.00 hours qualification and final in Kata with award ceremony, from 14.30 to 17.00 hours qualification and final in Kumite (fights) individual and team with award ceremony and award ceremony 48. The cup of ruse 2025 should close the team at about 18.00 hours.
Dear-we invite you to an important and competitive sports event. With your participation, the event will be richer and even more important for the municipality of ruse and Slovenia – you are welcome!
Z velikim veseljem vas vabimo na pomemben športni dogodek, kateri bo potekal v soboto 08.02. 2025 v Športni dvorani v Rušah, s pričetkom ob 10.00 uri in zaključkom ob cca. 18.00 uri.
V organizaciji kluba je letos že 48. Tradicionalni mednarodni S.K.I.F. Karate-do turnir za Pokal Ruše 2025. Turnir je eden od najstarejših turnirjev klasičnega karateja v Sloveniji, Evropi in v krovni nacionalni panožni zvezi ZKOS. Tudi letos pričakujemo da se bodo turnirja udeležili številni vrhunski tekmovalci, reprezentanti nosilci medalj iz EP in SP iz klubov Slovenije in tujine. Pričakujemo tekmovalce v vseh starostnih kategorijah iz klubov S.K.I.F. zveze Slovenije, združenja krovne nacionalne panožne zveze ZKOS in iz držav S.K.I.F. Romunije , Srbije, Češke, Madžarske ,Avstrije in drugih držav Evrope.
Program v soboto, 08.02.2025 ob 10.00 uri Uradna otvoritev, od 10.30 do 14.00 ure Kvalifikacije in Finale v katah z podelitvijo priznanj, od 14.30 do 17.00 ure Kvalifikacije in Finale v kumiteju (borbah) posamezno in ekipno z podelitvijo priznanj in podelitev 48. Pokala Ruše 2025 naj ekipi z zaključkom ob cca 18.00 uri.
Spoštovani - vabimo vas na pomembno in tekmovalno športno prireditev. Z vašo udeležbo bo prireditev bogatejša in še pomembnejša za občino Ruše in Slovenijo – Vabljeni!