Nutria events

4. La'LASSIK 4. koncert abonmaja LA’KLASIK


At the last of the concerts in the La'LASIK subscription, we will listen to the sounds of the violin, together with the guests.

Musicians: violist Manica Slapsak and guests

Manica Slapshak started music at the age of 12 with violin lessons, and after three years she met with Viola for the first time. Today she is a viola student at the Ljubljana Academy of music, and with the academic year 2024/2025 she is also at the University of music and Performing Arts Vienna in the class of prof. Ulrich Sch Animnauer. She is a member of the string quartets Perpetuum and Krklec, and regularly participates in various permanent and occasional orchestras (Ensemble Dissonance, Orchestra Amadeo, Camerata SMO, Salon Orchestra luck Entertainment & the Pipes ...), as a substitute and also with the RTV Slovenia Symphony Orchestra. For the last two years she has been active at the alphabet Institute, in 2024 as a creator in the young researchers programme, in which she also performed at III. The festival of contemporary music in Bled and the Jazz Festival in Ljubljana.

Kindly invited!

Information and ticket reservations: TIC Lasko, 03 733 89 50,, Tic Rimske Toplice, 03 733 89 35,

Duration: 1 hour

Na zadnjem izmed koncertov v sklopu abonmaja LA’KLASIK, bomo prisluhnili zvokom violine, skupaj z gosti.

Glasbeniki: Violistka Manica Slapšak in gostje

Manica Slapšak se je z glasbo začela ukvarjati pri 12 letih z učenjem violine, po treh letih pa se je prvič srečala še z violo. Danes je študentka viole na ljubljanski Akademiji za glasbo, s študijskim letom 2024/2025 pa tudi na Univerzi za glasbo in upodabljajoče umetnosti na Dunaju v razredu prof. Ulricha Schönauerja. Je članica godalnih kvartetov Perpetuum in Krklec, redno sodeluje v raznih stalnih in priložnostnih orkestrih (Ensemble Dissonance, Orkester Amadeo, Camerata SMO, Salonski orkester Lucky & the Pipes …), kot substitut pa tudi s Simfoničnim orkestrom RTV Slovenija. Zadnji dve leti je aktivna pri Inštitutu abeceda, v letu 2024 kot ustvarjalka v programu Mladi raziskovalci, v sklopu katerega je med drugim nastopila tudi na III. Festivalu sodobne glasbe na Bledu ter na Jazz Festivalu v Ljubljani.

Vljudno vabljeni!

Informacije in rezervacije vstopnic: TIC Laško, 03 733 89 50,, TIC Rimske Toplice, 03 733 89 35,

Trajanje: 1 ura

Description and event details are taken from here. All copyrights belong to the respective authors.
TIC Laško
+386 3 733 89 50
Mobile Phone:
+386 51 305 466
Location: Kulturni center Laško, Laško