Nutria events

28. International sports billiards meeting 28. Mednarodno srečanje športnega biljarda


Sporting event

28. The international sports billiards meeting will attract about 400 players from Italy to Portoroz, who together with their companions create about 1,400 nights. The event is held under the patronage of the Italian Federation of sports billiards ( FIBIS ), which has 900 clubs and 30,000 subscribers in Italy and about 2,000,000 fans.

The event will be accompanied by Tele Romagna television , which will broadcast the most important semi-finals and finals.

Športni dogodek

28. Mednarodno srečanje športnega biljarda bo v Portorož privabilo približno 400 igralcev iz Italije, ki skupaj s spremljevalci ustvarijo približno 1.400 nočitev. Dogodek poteka pod pokroviteljstvom Italijanske zveze za športni biljard ( FIBIS ), ki ima v Italiji 900 klubov in 30.000 naročnikov ter približno 2.000.000 navijačev.

Dogodek bo spremljala televizija Tele Romagna , ki bo prenašala najpomembnejše polfinale in finale.

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Description and event details are taken from here. All copyrights belong to the respective authors.
Turistično združenje Portorož, g.i.z.
Obala 16, 6320 Portorož
+386 (0)5 674 82 60
Location: LifeClass Hotels & Spa Portorož, Portorož