Nutria events

26. local history evening: 30 years ago we got the municipality again 26. domoznanski večer: Pred 30 leti smo spet dobili občino


Medvode library,, +386 (0)1 361 30 53.

Kindly invited to 26. local history evening, which is organized on the occasion of the 30th anniversary of the municipality of Medvode , at which the word will be about the foundation and beginnings of the municipality. Medvode television, which keeps a rich archive of this landmark period, will prepare a short overview of all events : from the failed referendum on the establishment of the municipality, the decision of the National Assembly that established the municipality, to the first elections to the bodies of the municipality of Medvode.

After the opening presentation of the documentary , witnesses who significantly influenced the decisions on the establishment of the municipality will speak.

Knjižnica Medvode,, +386 (0)1 361 30 53.

Vljudno vabljeni na 26. domoznanski večer , ki ga prirejamo ob 30-letnici Občine Medvode , na katerem bo beseda tekla o ustanovitvi in zametkih občine. Televizija Medvode , ki hrani bogat arhiv tega prelomnega obdobja, bo pripravila krajši pregled vseh dogodkov : od neuspelega referenduma o ustanovitvi občine, odločitve Državnega zbora, ki je ustanovil občino, do prvih volitev v organe Občine Medvode.

Po uvodni predstavitvi dokumentarnega filma bodo spregovorili pričevalci , ki so pomembno vplivali na odločitve o ustanovitvi občine.

Description and event details are taken from here. All copyrights belong to the respective authors.
Location: Knjižnica Medvode, Cesta Komandanta Staneta 10, 1215 Medvode