Nutria events

14. SSV competition 14. tekmovanje SSV


PGD invites parents to the cup competition in suction water coupling for members and members, which will take place on Saturday, 18. 1. 2025, in the Multi-Purpose Hall of Primary School Parents. The start will be at 15. uri, the final fights are expected around 20. hours.

The competition will be one of the five announced by the Fire Brigade Association of Slovenia for the 2025 cup of the Fire Brigade Association of Slovenia in suction water coupling.

Kindly invited!

PGD Starše vabi na pokalno tekmovanje v spajanju sesalnega voda za članice in člane, ki bo v soboto, 18. 1. 2025, v Večnamenski dvorani OŠ Starše. Začetek bo ob 15. uri, zaključne boje pričakujemo okoli 20. ure.

Tekmovanje bo eno izmed petih, ki jih razpisuje Gasilska zveza Slovenije, za Pokal Gasilske zveze Slovenije v spajanju sesalnega voda za leto 2025.

Vljudno vabljeni!

Description and event details are taken from here. All copyrights belong to the respective authors.
PGD Starše
Location: Starše 5, 2205 Starše