Nutria events

1000 pairs of studded slippers at 15. yearbook 1000 parov štrikanih copatk ob 15. letnici


Jozica Jaksa 071 445 505, E

The Association of people with disabilities Ljubljana bangs, KUD Yarem and institute sotocje, have been organizing for the 15th time. hand over the slippers for the Maternity Hospital Ljubljana. This time the event will take place at the Medvode Cultural Center, as we expect a larger number of visitors. The latter will be carried out on the" day of the disabled " 3. in December 2024 at 16. uri. We are also preparing a short cultural program that she will lead. Anica Horvat. Of the performers, recitator Majda Kohne, musician disabled Toni Sternard, musicians DS Medvode responded to the invitation. In short, we expect a beautiful and unforgettable event to which you are of course also invited. We would be very pleased to share with us the joy and Jubilee achievement/excess. Please provide feedback on whether you will be attending the event.

Jožica Jakša 071 445 505, E

Društvo invalidov Ljubljana Šiška, KUD Jarem in Zavod sotočje, prirejajo že 15. predajo štrikanih copatk za porodnišnico Ljubljana. Tokrat bo dogodek potekal v Kulturnem domu Medvode saj pričakujemo večje število obiskovalcev. Slednjega bomo izvedli na "DAN INVALIDOV" 3. decembra 2024 ob 16. uri. Pripravljamo tudi krajši kulturni program katerega bo vodila ga. Anica Horvat. Od nastopajočih so se vabilu odzvali, recitatorka Majda Kohne, glasbenik invalid Toni Sternard, glasbeniki DS Medvode. Skratka pričakujemo lep in nepozaben dogodek na katerega ste seveda vabljeni tudi vi. Zelo bi bili veseli, če bi z nami delili veselje in jubilejni dosežek/presežek. Prosimo za povratno informacijo ali se boste dogodka udeležili.

Description and event details are taken from here. All copyrights belong to the respective authors.
Društvo invalidov Ljubljana Šiška
Location: Kulturni dom Medvode, Cesta ob Sori 13, 1215 Medvode