It is with great pleasure that we announce a spectacular musical evening. After a series of successful concerts in Zagreb, Vienna and Budapest, the largest tambourine Orchestra in the world will present itself to the Slovenian audience. The concert entitled Croatian Tambour Rhapsody will fill the stage of Gallus hall with hundreds of carefully selected musicians. They will perform works by renowned authors of classical, pop and rock music, as well as Virtuoso compositions from the Croatian cultural tradition. A wide display of Croatian popular music, which is also enjoyed in Slovenia, will be enriched by star guests, vocal soloists Vlado Keslin and Amira Medunjanin, and Croatian pianist Matej Meshtrovi/.
Z velikim veseljem napovedujemo spektakularen glasbeni večer. Po seriji uspešnih koncertov v Zagrebu, na Dunaju in v Budimpešti se bo največji tamburaški orkester na svetu predstavil slovenskemu občinstvu. Koncert z naslovom Hrvaška tamburaška rapsodija bo napolnil oder Gallusove dvorane s stotimi skrbno izbranimi glasbeniki. Izvajali bodo dela priznanih avtorjev klasične, pop in rock glasbe ter virtuozne skladbe iz hrvaške kulturne tradicije. Širok prikaz hrvaške popularne glasbe, ki jo uživamo tudi v Sloveniji, bodo obogatili zvezdniški gostje, vokalna solista Vlado Keslin in Amira Medunjanin ter hrvaški pianist Matej Meštrović.